Cousin fun!
On the way down to Salt Lake as we talked about the time we had left until our little boy will be here and also the very real possibility we will be several hours away in Oklahoma as early as May .... Justin said, "We have to be remembered as being fun!" So, we decided to host a cousin sleep over -- we did ask Richard and Jo permission to allow the kids to trash their house for a night -- they were very gracious and were a lot of help. They came over Sunday night - we played "get to the top of the stairs with pillows being thrown at you", and "hide and go seek". We then made the girls' beds upstairs in the TV room, with the boys in Justin's room downstairs. We read stories to fall asleep -- thank goodness for Sydney's great babysitting experience and expertise -- with her back scratches and my reading we finally got all the girls asleep (I think 10 of them). Don't worry, Justin was reading to the boys - Grant and Kyle wer...