Hamburg, Talkau and Berlin with Mom and Dad Schmidt

Mom and Dad Schmidt came to visit us. Deciding what to see and do took some time, but the loop we ended up doing turned out fantastic.

We picked them up from the Frankfurt Airport and headed straight north. We stayed half way to Hamburg.

And yes we found doners for our first meal

 Grocery shopping in Germany - fun experience for mom and dad
 Fields in Talkau, Germany. This is the village where Great Grandpa Schmidt moved from and where the Schmidt's lived for quite some time. If I was up on family history I could tell you more, but I'm not. Mom and Dad got to chat with a gentleman there in Talkau about the town and what they knew about the Schmidt family. I hung out with the kiddos at the park.

 Hamburg, Germany

We explored the largest miniature train museum and enjoyed the scenery

 Sam had fun at the McDonald's play place

Berlin, Germany
We did the walking tour which was intense and interesting. Berlin is an incredible historic and beautiful city. The kids did amazing for a 4 hour walking tour. We were so grateful our host had a stroller we could borrow.  We were sure glad to be there. We spent 4 days there.


Jewish Memorial
Berlin Wall 
 The lights festival of lights was going on so we took turns going out on the town to see it after the kiddos were asleep. We always love to join in on local festivities.





We went to church in Berlin and the other day we went to the Island Parks. We didn't take our cameras in with us so I used these pictures of the internet. It is a tropical forest in an old hanger. We had a great time swimming, eating and exploring the tropical forest and other fun activities they had.




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