Christmas is the best time of year!

Starting off the holiday right with Christmas shows in Branson right after Thanksgiving was the best thing ever. Got me right into the holiday spirit. I'm a real good procrastinator/a little behind the curve on most things; movies, holidays, what's trending, the news, pretty much anything. But the shows got me right in on Christmas! I just wish I would've started my shopping sooner to have more time to enjoy the good stuff.

Hot chocolate snowmen 

Sugar plum fairy and Soldier parading at the ward Christmas party - they loved their costumes!

 I got to help out with Sam's class Gingerbread houses
 We did have presents wrapped and under the tree fairly early and the kiddos didn't bother them.
 Christmas class party at Sam's school and the Squadron Christmas party brought Santa in a C130J with books! Nora wasn't sure she was a fan of Santa still and Sam was really eyeing up Santa I'm afraid he's already asking questions!

 We invited our good friends the Recor's over for gingerbread house making! Way too much sweets but fun to build!
 We had our good friends the Whitney family over for our Night in Bethlehem.


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