Spring 2011
This semester we have budgeted -- ha ha, very eye opening and we've stuck pretty close to our goals. :) We have also gone swimming, played basketball, watched educational movies ( for my student teaching :),registered Big Blue, and thanks to Papa and Jake Barfuss - they fixed it right up. We have paid back our Christmas coupon on deep kitchen cleaning and we've watched a few fun movies as well.
This semester we leave before 7am every morning and often do not see each other until 5 or 6pm. Long and productive days, but I'll tell you what, we are ready to hit the hay pretty early any more. Go ahead, call us old fogies. We have had some nertz competition lately and guess who wins?... yep me! All the other games we have played before, Justin has been the champion, but the table has turned, I would say "It's about time".
Student Teaching is fun and challenging! I am learning so much, mostly from mistakes, better now than later.
Justin is in an Engineering Design class working on the design for a machine that would lift a wheel chair into a trunk... it could later be patented and his name would be on it! In AirForce he is a Field Training Commander, which means he gets the cadets ready to go to Field Training. Yep, he yells in their faces, and helps them with other things too. Another cadet told me they picked the nicest guy to do the job (Justin). I would have to agree. :)
The semester continues to pick up with busyness but we make sure to have some fun too. By Friday I am definitely ready to spend time with Justin!
We just went out with Bryce and Kaylee Dinner and Bowling, lots of fun -- funny story: We both agreed on bowling, positive we would have a discount. Well, we tried with three different coupons, and each time we were rejected! Ha ha, FYI: Fun Park bowling coupons are only good during the week, not weekends. The family deals are great for dinner and bowling... so don't eat before you go. We could have saved 8 bucks and had a large pizza. Weird I know.
Life is wonderful and we are grateful for the many comforts of life we enjoy. ... Teaching 9th graders about Africa has reminded me of how much we take for granted.
We have been married for 5 months now! Time flies.... Woot Woo!
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